【龍】甲辰年甲戌月壬子日 / 九月十四日
Tuesday October 15, 2024

Cangjie 倉頡

The Cangjie input method (倉頡輸入法) was developed in 1976 in Taiwan by Zhu Bangfu (朱邦復 - Chu Bong-Foo). It is named after Cangjie, who is accredited for the invention of the first Chinese writing system.
It is the first input method developed for computers and 朱邦復 is therefore sometimes called the 'father of Chinese computing'. Most non-phonetic input methods are influenced by his research and the Cangjie input method.

It devides 24 radicals in 4 groups

Example: 中國 : 中 (L) + spatie + 田 (W) + 戈 (I) + 口 (R) + 一 (M)

It doesn't follow the traditional Kangxi radicals but it is more a geometric decomposition.

Some links:
Online Cangjie input

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