HOWTO Internet
- Set the characterset of the document
- <META http-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/plain; charset=big5">
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Big5" ?>
- Set the lang-attribute
- <p lang="fr">...French text interrupted by<em lang="ja">some Japanese</em>French begins here again...</p>
- Display characters and symbols
- Display text vertically (using CSS code). Read more on this topic in the Howto Vertical.
- <div style="writing-mode:tb-rl">這是一個test.好玩吧</div>
- Ruby See the special ruby howto
For HTML documents, place the following code in the header of the document
For XML documents
more info: language information and text direction (W3C)
&NAME; : the name → á = á
&#;VALUE; : Decimal value → &225; = á
&#;xVALUE; : Hexadecimal value → &xE1; = á
這是一個test. 好玩吧
The CSS code for the above notation is :
This function is only available on Microsoft Internet Explorer > 5.5, Netscape/Firefox/Chrome do NOT support this.
You can also use the proposed CSS3 transform code, however this will rotate the characters also. The W3C is working on a new specification to allow vertical display (link).
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