【蛇】乙巳年戊寅月乙卯日 / 正月十九日
Saturday February 15, 2025

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a set of productivity applications developed by Microsoft.
Interested ? You can buy it online from Amazon.

Microsoft Office uses the the Windows OS capabilities to display Chinese, however Microsoft has developed language packs and IME's for Microsoft Office.
Language packs add additional display, help, and proofing tools to Office. You can install additional language accessory packs after installing Microsoft Office. If a language accessory pack is described as having partial localization, some parts of Office may still display in the language of your copy of Microsoft Office.
For the latest Microsoft office language packs click here

How to configure Office language

Ensure you have installed the langauge pack first.

Microsoft Office IME 2010 (depreciated)

Download the Microsoft Office IME 2010 from the Microsoft website here. Microsoft Office IME 2010 can be used for Office 2013 especially on older versions of Microsoft Windows

Download locally (unofficial) if no longer available from the official Microsof website:

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