Howto Unicode
Looking for Unicode fonts or more information on characterset/encoding of Unicode ?Most modern operating systems are now written with full multilingual unicode support.
- Windows 9x/Me
Is not based on Unicode an applications have no Unicode support. Although newer programs like Office 2000 make it possible to use Unicode in those programs. There are also applications like SC Unipad or Notepad++ that allow you to input and save files in unicode.
- Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8
These operating systems are completely based on unicode and the operating system programs are capable of using and displaying unicode. Most programs written for these operating systems use unicode however they do not necessarly save your files in unicode.
For Microsoft Notepad, when saving the file (File > Save as) you can choose the encoding at the bottom of the save as box. Encodings available are ANSI, Unicode, Unicode big endian & UTF-8 (for geeks & programmers: note that a BOM will be added to the file) .
- MacOS
MacOS is based on Unicode and comes with a wide variaty of unicode fonts.
- Linux
KDE is capable of using Unicode through Qt.
GNOME supports Unicode through Pango in the current releases (GNOME 2.0 and later)
Gucharmap (also for windows).
Yudit : a unicode text editor.
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