【龍】甲辰年丁丑月癸未日 / 正月十六日
Tuesday January 14, 2025


See also smartphones or PDA


It seems that most cellphone's use UCS-2 (Universal Character Set - 2 Octets). This means they use a 2 byte code.


T9 Text Input Software is used by major cellphone manufacturers like Nokia, Ericson, Sagem, Sony and Motorola. T9 is the abbrivation of "Text on 9 keys".
link : T9 Text Input


In the Chinese models one can switch languages between Traditional Chinese, Simplifid Chinese and English, but when one wants to sent a message in one of those languages, then one has to switch the language of the phone. For simplified Chinese only pinyin is possible and for traditional Chinees only bopomofo is available as input method.
The nokia phone 3310 (and up i guess) are able to handle text messages as unicode. In the messages menu Choose for Message settings, choose common, choose in the Character support menu for Unicode.If you set your text encoding too unicode the amount of latin characters that can be inserted in one message will decrease (plain text 459 to unicode 201 over 3 messages).



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