【龍】甲辰年乙亥月庚辰日 / 十月十三日
Dr. Sun Yatsen's birthday :: Tuesday November 12, 2024

Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 / 98SE / Me

One can change the codepage/system locale through the Regional Settings in de Control Panel. Select de the language desired from the drop-down list on the Regional Settings tab, click OK, and reboot. For win95 a complete re-install is necessary because the local can only be chosen during installation.
To add keyboard support, go to Keyboard in Control Panel, and select the keyboard you want to add. You will be prompted to insert your consumer Windows CD.
To view Chinese one has to install Chinese fonts, to input Chinese one can install a FEP or an IME.

An Input Method Editor (IME) is an input method developed by Microsoft and is based on ActiveX technology.
You can get it on serveral ways, by using the Windows Update, download it from the internet or by installing from the Proofing Tools CD

Windows Update
  • Go to the menu Extra
  • Click on Windows Update
  • Choose for Product Updates
  • Go to International Language Support
  • Select Traditional Chinese IME (Input Method Editor) and/or Simplified Chinese IME (Input Method Editor)
  • Click on Start Download

  • Microsoft Office Proofing Tools CD
  • Go to the installation CD of Microsoft Office Proofing Tools
  • Go to the map Extras
  • Got to the map Ime
  • Click on the map which contains the ime for the language you want
  • Click on the map Global
  • Double click on the installation file

  • To switch from keyboard lay-out :

    Use pinyin as input method in a traditional localised Windows
    If you use bopomofo as input method in a traditional localised Windows, but you want so use pinyin, follow the next steps.

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