Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 10 is an Unicode based operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It's the successor of Windows 8. It can display and input Chinese out of the box.
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How to add Chinese language input support
- Start
> Settings
- Time & Language
- Language > (left handside bar)
- Under the preferred languages click on the "+" add a preferred language >
- In the search box type in "Chinese" >
- You will see the supported functionality next to it (Display language, text-to-speech, Speech recognition, Handwriting)
- Double click on the language variant you want to install
- When back on language preferences screen you can click on options to add additional input methods.
How to use the Chinese language input
How to add Chinese language Local Experience Pack
This is done through the Microsoft Store- Start > Settings
- Time & Language >
- Language > (left handside bar)
- Under the Windows Display Langauge you can click on Add a Windows Display language in Microsoft store